Wednesday, February 29, 2012

休士頓美南大專校聯會參加牛仔節市區大遊行 馬車“台灣的驕傲”以紅藍白花球及中華民國與美國國旗裝飾 經文處長廖東周大使伉儷政治組長陳彥夆新聞組長齊永強主事何建安全美華埠小姐胡瑞欣僑教中心副主任葉麗媛與僑務諮詢委員葉宏志僑務委員鄭昭中華公所主席伍萬鈞以及校聯會代表坐上馬車參加百餘馬車參加的遊行接受逾十萬夾道群眾的歡呼

大夏普斯堂管理委員會舉行經濟委員會月會 新理事成員於會中作自我介紹並就合作發展 資訊交流等方面交換意見 全體委員並就剛舉行過之中小企業研討會作成果討論 主席王敦正表示研討會成功 會以後續行動繼續進行社區經濟前景規劃及合作活動

美南工商婦女企管協會講座 教您如何使用社交網路


三月十七日(星期六)下午二時至四時,世界華人工商婦女企管協會美南分 會將於僑教中心203室舉行「社交網路工具的使用」講座,特別邀請電腦網路高手汪乃強 介紹現今最流行的網路社交(Social network)工具。會員免費入場,非會員每人收費3元, 歡迎大家踴躍報名參加。

現今無論在交朋友、推廣生意、工作、學校、家庭、參與組織等社交活動上,越來越多 人從傳統方式改為以社交網路為主的社會結構。以電腦、網絡、臉書(Facebook)、推特 (Twitter)、博客(Block)、WordPress、Joomla和智慧型手機為主。社交網路可以經由這些 管道,把你的親朋好友或公司組織串連起來,達到社交目的。

Facebook雖然是現代化的最新網路社交工具,但是很多人還是不甚了解如何使用?到哪 下載App.?如何維持、擴展和移除?各種工具的使用特點在哪裡? 適合哪些人?要購買什 麼樣的軟硬體才能開始使用?種種的問題導致很多人對這個現代化社交網絡工具望之卻 步。
世華美南分會廖秀美會長表示:現在很多人都擁有智慧型手機,可惜只是拿來講電話, 孰不知智慧型手機的功能其實非常的多,而且很多功能都可免費下載使用。還有一些現 代化的社交網路的工具也常常聽到大家在談論,但是不是每個人都會操作。這次很榮幸的 能邀請到網路高手汪乃強來介紹這些工具的特性和使用方法,整個講座很有實用性也很有 趣,希望大家把握機會。

「社交網路工具的使用」講座,時間定是三月十七日(星期六)下午二時至四時,地 點:僑教中心203室。若有任何問題請洽廖秀美:713-598-2470;郭又萍:832-561- 8365;何真:832-866-3333。

Capital One Bank Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park Announces 2012 Featured Artist

Capital One Bank Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park Announces 2012 Featured Artist
HOUSTON (February 29, 2012) – The Bayou City Art Festival announces international artist Tanya Doskova as the Featured Artist for the 41st Annual Capital One Bank Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park, which takes place March 23 – 25 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The featured artwork for the 41st Annual Capital One Bank Bayou City Art Festival is Doskova’s Spanish themed, La Corrida. “This piece is dedicated to young Picasso. He loved dressing up and playing the Matador.  In my painting he is the bull and bullfighter. Fighting himself, he 'grabbed the bull by the horns' when still a child,” explains Doskova.
With a Masters of Art degree in Printmaking, Doskova is known for her imaginative, digitally-created artwork in a Magical Realism style. Originally from Bulgaria, she now lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.
“We are thrilled to feature an international artist for the upcoming Memorial Park Festival,” said Art Colony Association Executive Director Kelly Kindred. “Tanya’s imaginative and whimsical style brings fresh perspectives to real life subjects which appeals to a broad audience. We are lucky to have her as part of our festival this year.”
Living in London for five years prior to moving to Canada, Doskova presented her artwork in more than 20 group exhibitions as well as three solo exhibitions in Soho. She has a long list of accolades and honors which include five major Canadian Awards from the Canadian Association of Photographers and Illustrators (CAPIC). From 1998 to 2002, Doskova had a stint in computer animation and special effects for the film industry working for U2 and Ridley Scott’s post-production house ‘The Mill’ and Jim Henson’s Creature Shop in England. She also created special effects for Enemy of the State, Babe 2 and Pitch Black.
Recently, Doskova was recognized with an Award of Excellence in the Communication Arts Illustration Annual Competition giving her worldwide recognition and exposure. To view samples of her artwork or to learn more about her, visit   
Prior to each Bayou City Art Festival, a judging committee solicits artwork from five potential artists of which one is honored as the featured artist. The featured artist is then asked to produce the festival’s featured artwork, which is used to create a consistent theme across the festival’s billboards, posters, programs and t-shirts.
The Capital One Bank Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park is an award-winning one-of-a-kind outdoor art gallery that has gained national recognition from AmericanStyle Magazine and the International Festival & Events Association. The festival celebrates the vitality and diversity of Houston and enriches the city’s arts environment and reputation. Over the past 41 years, the Bayou City Art Festivals have raised more than $2.6 million for local nonprofit organizations. The annual, juried, fine art event boasts a unique outdoor gallery experience brimming with 300 top galleried artists representing 18 artistic media. Adding to the festive art walk are wine cafés, an interactive creative zone for children, restaurants, and a performing arts stage with on-going multicultural musical and dance entertainment.
The festival is located in Houston’s beautiful Memorial Park located at South Picnic Lane. There is no public parking in Memorial Park; however, the festival provides a free, convenient shuttle service from 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Northwest Mall located at the 610 North Loop at 18th Street and shuttle service located at the Downtown Theatre District parking lot from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday only. Parking at the Northwest Mall is free and parking at the Downtown Theatre District parking lot will be at their standard rate. For preferred shuttle transportation, pick up an EZ Rider Pass at any Capital One Bank branch starting March 12, 2012 to get preferred shuttle service from the Northwest Mall location. 
Ticket Information:  Tickets available online at or at the gate day of.  Ticket prices are $12 for adults and children 12 and under are free. 
Festival sponsors include KTRK-TV ABC 13, Houston Area Cadillac Dealerships,
Culture Map, Green Mountain Energy, Apache Corporation, Houston Chronicle, New York and
Texas Monthly.

僑務委員會「2012年實體店面行銷實戰班」 報名至3月29日止


僑務委員會為協助海外僑商提升經營實體店面之行銷能力,特舉辦 「實體店面行銷實戰班」,辦理時間為2012年4月30日至5月11日。本課程 以門市實體店面行銷專業課程為主,除由國內專業教師及專家講授相關店 面區位選擇、設計規劃、行銷技巧及運用當前智慧行動上網進行銷售推廣 等專門課程外,另亦安排觀摩參訪店面行銷成功廠商。

研習課程及參訪相關費用、參加人員研習期間膳宿費由僑務委員會負 擔,至參加學員由僑居地往返之機票交通費用及其他個人費用則需自理,招 生簡章及相關訊息請自僑務委員會網站(首頁/貼心服務/報 名僑商研習班)或全球僑商服務網( /首頁/最新消息)下 載。

名額有限,請有意報名者於2012年3月29日前將報名表件,以正楷 填寫(或繕打)及親簽後,彙送休士頓華僑文教服務中心。地址:10303 WESTOFFICE DR. HOUSTON,TX 77042或洽電話:713-789-4995轉108 柳 小姐。

萊斯大學視覺及戲劇藝術系舉行 巴黎的日與夜 攝影展

Rice University
Department of Visual & Dramatic Arts
Rice Media Center building, Main Gallery

March 8, 2011 Opening Reception

by Hallie Jordan

Exhibition on view:  March 8 - March 23, 2012
Opening Reception & Artist Talk:  March 8, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.
Regular Gallery Hours:  Monday through Friday  11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

During the summer of 2011, Hallie Jordan received a grant to go to Paris and study the famous photographer Eugene Atget who photographed Paris during the early 1900s. For her project she located where Atget took several of his photographs and found what was in those exact spots today.

When she arrived in Paris completely unfamiliar with the city Jordan was not sure what she would find or what kind of photographs she wanted to make. After a four week stay, she located many of Atget’s photo sites and came away with a set of photographs of her own. Jordan’s photographs recall Atget’s, in that many were made in the same area as his, but are distinctly hers. This exhibition is based on a book she made of her experience and shows a comparison between Paris 100 years  ago and today.

This exhibition is in conjunction with FotoFest 2012 Biennial and is free and open to the public.
For information, please call 713-348-4882, Email:

For information about parking and shuttle service, please visit


駐休士頓經文處長廖東周大使伉儷與美南僑務委員鄭昭 經文處政治組長陳彥夆 以及甫獲得全美華埠小姐頭銜的胡瑞欣參加休士頓牛仔節要人早餐會 與國會參議員哈契森市長派克市議員萊斯特哈瑞斯郡警長葛西亞 以及國會議員格林等見面愉快談話 大家也都以適合此盛會的牛仔裝扮出席 場面熱鬧洋溢德州風味

越棉寮華裔聯誼會於26日在珍寶樓舉辦盛大年會及會長交接 由卸任會長周滿紅將職務交予新任會長王裕炎 現場賓客近百桌 盛況空前 演出包括勁歌熱舞 慶祝直至夜深