Sunday, January 29, 2012

僑教中心副主任葉麗媛參加聖湯馬斯大學國際關係研究中心成立三十週年慶 在現場展覽資料中喜見中華民國青天白日滿地紅國旗

休士頓聖湯馬斯大學國際關係研究中心於27日慶祝成立三十週年 主任結Hans Stockton帶領學生舉辦慶祝會 貴賓包括曾在台灣擔任外交官的William J. Cunningham 他致詞比較數十年來研究國際關係的各種變遷強調宏觀及遠見 另各有第一屆與本屆學生代表致詞

休士頓台灣松年學院舉行2012年春季學期開學典禮 新任經文處長廖東周秘書張嘉華與僑教中心主任王偉讚副主任葉麗媛皆到場參加 其他致詞貴賓包括FAPA美南會長林翠梅HTGC清閒俱樂部會長彭兩泉(上)



時間:2012年2月9日(星期四) 7:30pm
地點:佛光山中美寺。10000 West Airport,Stafford. 77477。




Friday, January 27, 2012

恆豐銀行董事長吳文龍率高層主管至拉斯維加斯 舉行董事會及主管會議


恆豐銀行為了展現對最近新接管的內華達州拉斯維加斯地區客戶 的重視與加強服務功能,恆豐銀行董事長吳文龍與銀行高層特別利 用馬丁路德金紀念日的長週末,將銀行該次董事會暨主管會報移師 到拉 斯維加斯舉行,除董事會、董事成員外,所有一級主管及相關 人員均列席參加會議,場地設在Encore Hotel 內會議室舉行。

此次拉斯維加斯會議討論的重點放在該行未來發展的方向,及本 年2月18日二家銀行系統正式合併的相關事項。會後全體人員在該 酒店用餐聯誼,次日恆豐銀行並分別安排了高爾夫球賽及旅遊二項 活動。恆豐銀行此行更充分達到上下交流和獎勵員工的目的,參與 人員皆盡興而歸。



董事長吳文龍偕夫人與貴賓於Encore Hotel餐會中 


首都銀行2011年業務穩健成長,第四季稅後淨利二佰七拾萬美元 每股盈餘 0.16美元 全年稅後總淨利九佰四拾萬美元 全年每股盈餘 0.53美元

每股盈餘 0.16美元
全年每股盈餘 0.53美元

以德州為大本營的首都銀行控股公司,(納斯達克代號:MCBI) 經由旗下子公司, 首都銀行提供社區銀行服務於德州以及加州,一月二十六日舉行2011年第四季財 務報告新聞發佈會。

首都銀行控股公司總執行長兼總裁李敏通表示:“經歷2009年及2010年的低潮,首 都銀行管理團隊在持續專注於核心業務的調整與經營,也很高興本公司在2011年 不論是在盈餘或停止玆息貸款均有明顯改善。”

李總執行長表示:“第四季本公司稅後淨利為二佰七拾萬美元,每股盈餘為0.16美 元;全年稅後總淨利為九佰四拾萬美元,每股盈餘為0.53美元!較2010年淨損九 拾三萬美元明顯改善。本公司的風險資本比率在2011年底為 17.29%,較2010年 底15.13%上升2.16%,是過去數年以來最高比率,更遠超過聯邦政府對優良資 本銀行比率10.00%的要求;顯見本公司的流動資金十分強健。淨利息毛利率由 2010年底的3.84%上升至3.87%。停止玆息貸款減少二仟九佰萬美元。值得欣慰的 是上述改善不但表現在德州,而且位於加州的首都銀行〔Metro United Bank〕亦有大 幅進展。”

李敏通總執行長繼續指出:“首都銀行擁有堅強且穩健的管理團隊,加上經濟環 境逐步復甦,本公司將繼續堅持在穩定中成長的政策。我們也很欣慰管理團隊於 2011年所實施的營運政策奏效,並對於長期業務成長有所助益。首都銀行管理團 隊及全體員工已準備好迎接未來一年的挑戰,對於再創2012年營運新高點也充滿 信心。藉此機會祝福所有朋友新春愉快,身體健康,閤家平安。”

首都銀行控股公司經由旗下之首都銀行〔MetroBank,N.A. 和 Metro United Bank〕 提供完整的商業及個人銀行服務。首都銀行〔MetroBank,N.A. 〕 於德州休士頓及達 福地區共有14家分行,首都銀行〔Metro United Bank〕則有6家全方位分行位於加州 的聖地牙哥,洛杉磯,羅蘭崗市(Rowland Heights) ,聖馬刁(San Mateo),舊金 山和爾灣。首都銀行秉持為客戶提供專業,可靠與週全的服務,以創新的產品及穩 健的經營策略,來滿足客戶的銀行需求,以期成為現在與未來在休士頓多元文化社 區的主要銀行首選。其他相關資訊請參閱首都銀行控股公司網站 。


                               五明福門接富貴 覺光智慧迎祥龍 
日至11日(星期五,六)上午+時至下午四時在10303 westoffice, Houston Tx 77042 的

周圍人群奉獻愛心,造福社會,使人回歸人性之初, 把美妙的音樂和矯健的舞姿融合
欲知進一步詳情請電筹備主任 王碧珠(Stacy) 聯絡電話:281-395-2447,832-643-8069


Author Xiang Jen Yao will be discussing her book “The Art of Chinese Living”
Thursday, February 9, 2012 at 6 PM

Kyle Morrow Room

( located in the third floor of the Fondren Library.)
A light reception will follow the book talk
Presentation will be in Chinese, with English translation

The Art of Chinese Living is a product of five year’s worth of research, travelling and writing. In it, the author provides the history and practical applications of the ancient wisdom of the Chinese way of life. It is comprised of four volumes, totaling 270,000 words and a great amount of beautiful photographs.

Widely acclaimed author Xiang Jen Yao from Taiwan will be debuting her latest publication in the United States at Rice University's Chao Center for Asian Studies on Thursday, February 9. "The Inheritance of Tradition: Art of Chinese Living" was first published in Taiwan in August 2010, and has since received widespread acclaim among Chinese communities around the globe. Since then, it has been available online to readers worldwide and published in China, with the support of the state publishing company. 

"The Inheritance of Tradition" is an artful compilation of the culture, traditions, and wisdom of the Chinese people. Its original impetus came from Mrs. Yao's own children, who left their native home of Taiwan for study in the United States. Fearful that her children would lose their cultural heritage to western culture, Mrs. Yao spent the next five years researching, writing, designing and compiling a volume of four books, totaling 270,000 words of age-old advice paired with 10,000 exquisite images. It represents a new style of literature, combining graphic design, history, culture, family values and modern living into one book. 

This publication is a manifestation of Mrs. Yao's love for her children and deep appreciation for the Chinese culture. Chinese expatriate communities in particular have embraced this publication as an important educational tool for their children to experience and develop an appreciation for the beauty of Chinese tradition, handed down over thousands of years. According to the author, "this volume of books is a gift to all the Chinese people, as well as all who have a love for Chinese culture. My objective was to enable everyone to access Chinese culture in their everyday lives, rather than something that could only be appreciated in museums or history books."

Actor Jet Li explains, "Xiang Jen weaves three unique perspectives into the book: that of a daughter, a wife, and a mother. She has depicted Chinese culture in a lively manner, and has incorporated beautiful photographs to represent the Chinese cultural treasure. "The Inheritance of Tradition" is easy-to-read yet profound, and is certainly a textbook that is alive with culture." 

In her presentation, Mrs. Yao  will share the highlights of her book, and gift a copy to the Chao Center, Rice University's Fondren Library, and the Asia Center. Whether or not you are familiar with Chinese culture, Mrs. Yao's presentation will be an enlightening and entertaining discovery. We hope that you will be able to join us.

100% of the proceeds of the book will be donated to the establishment of a new university in Taiwan. 

Mrs. Xiang Jen Yao was born in Taiwan, a mother of three children, she also works at the architect's office of her husband's.
Due to her three children were all leaving home and heading to study in the United States, Mrs. Yao worried the children would eventually forget their own cultural heritage, therefore, spending five years of her time, with 270,000 words of gentle advices and exquisitely beautiful images, she finally published an incredible volume of books on the living wisdom of Chinese culture, titled "Tsuan-Chia", meaning "Inheritance of Tradition".

After it's debut, the publication was widely recognized and much valued. Acclamations came from all over the Chinese communities around the globe, especially for the reason that such a tremendous and important work, instead of executed by an organization or research institution, was accomplished single-handedly by a housewife.

According to Mrs. Yao," This volume of books is a gift to all the Chinese, as well as all those who love Chinese culture."

International acclaimed Kungfu superstar, Jet Li, in his appraisal of the book, said, " Xiang Jen weaves through the book from three perspectives- a daughter, a wife and a mother. She depicted the cultural aspects in the Chinese living with a lively manner, in addition, she employed many excellent pictures to present the Chinese cultural treasure. It is easy-to-read yet profound, and is certainly a living textbook of culture."

This volume of books allows the enchanting Chinese culture to be within the reach of our daily lives, not just the relics in museums. 
"Tsuan-Chia" is a brand new creation of literature, images and modern living. It is composed by four volumes of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, presenting the living wisdom of Chinese culture. 
Using a "Modern Living Map", Mrs. Yao also hole-hearted promotes the value of the family and the importance of a sustainable environment. This volume is an encyclopedia of a living culture, as well as a bearing of the traditional wisdom.

Furthermore, this publication is completely an act of philanthropy. All the proceeds from the book sales goes to the funding of a new university in Taiwan.

During her stay in Houston this time, Mrs. Yao will present the book as gifts to the Asia Center, Chao Center and Rice University. In addition, she will share her book with the audience ay the university. Whether you are of Chinese origin or not, to listen to Mrs. Yao's introduction of the book will be a joyful and contemplative experience for you. 

English translation will be available at the presentation. We wish you to join us.